

insaneintherainmusic 引退メッセージ訳【英→日】

2012年からゲーム音楽のカバーを多数投稿し、その編曲センスのみならず、すべての楽器を一人で演奏する「全部俺」スタイルの動画のシュールさも相まって、世界中で人気を博していた insaneintherainmusicことCarlos Eiene氏。









With a new year comes changes!

Today, I’m announcing my retirement as a video game music cover artist and content creator. I’m doing this to give myself more freedom to pursue things that I’m truly passionate about, and that I believe are important. 



I will no longer be uploading video game covers to my channel, nor will I be distributing any new video game covers on music distribution platforms. I will also no longer be selling any new physical merchandise containing my cover songs.


Why have I decided to do this? I’ve posted a full (very long) explanation to my channel if you’d like the full details, but I’ll give a brief explanation here: First, I’ve decided that I need to focus on and take care of myself.

なぜかって? 詳しい事情を全部知りたい人向けに、僕のチャンネルで1から10まで説明した(マジで長い)動画を投稿したんだけど、簡単な説明もここでしておこう。まず、僕に必要だと思ったのは、自分のやることに集中して、自分を大切にすること。

I created insaneintherainmusic in September 2012 to post fun piano covers of video game music. Over time, the videos grew in scope, and so did the size of the channel! I’m so grateful to have met so many people because of that.


However, with the growth comes problems… the constant pressure on a creator by social media platforms to outperform their previous work is a heavy burden to bear, and social media algorithms value spectacles over art. I'm not interested in pursuing spectacles.


Additionally, there are legal aspects of covering video game music that I was not aware of when I started posting. As I’ve continued to grow, I’ve realized that legally, this is not sustainable and not a strong foundation to build a safe, lasting career on, in my opinion.


Because of this, I’ve decided to stop posting covers. I’ll be focusing all my energy on creating original work and pursuing a career as a game audio professional. I’ve been creating content on YouTube for over 10 years now, and I’m ready to make this change.



For all of you here who have listened to my music and supported me over the years… thank you so much for everything. My life would be nowhere as wonderful as it is today without your support. This is a new beginning for me.


Any further uploads on the channel will be all original content, and will not be on a schedule. Also, if you’re looking for someone to help out with your game’s music, I basically just quit my job, and I’m looking for new work so… I could use your help LOL


I’ll still be active here on Twitter and social media, sharing my original work as I continue to progress with it. Thank you all for your support, and I hope to continue creating great music! If you have questions about my plans, happy to try and answer them.



